WATCH: UK Chief Medic confirms (again) covid19 harmless to vast majority
Catte Black
From the beginning of this crisis we have been pointing out that there are two mutually contradictory messages at the heart of the covid19 rollout, and, just as Orwell describes in 1984, a major point of the exercise seems to be to get people to believe both at the same time.
1. ‘Be Afraid…’
The first message is that covid19 is terrifying, unique, an existential threat to the human race.
This message is never sourced to much fact, because the facts about the virus don’t really support it. If it cites anything solid it’s the appallingly sloppy and discredited Imperial computer model, or some generic research into the pathology of severe infections or rare viral syndromes, which it tries to spin as being unique to covid19, even though it is not. But mostly it doesn’t cite anything at all. Or really claim anything at all.
It just tells people to be afraid. Very afraid. Of death, of uncertainty, of the ‘virus’, of other people, of ‘fake news’.
The fear being encouraged is not rooted in facts, and is therefore impervious to them.
2. ‘There is nothing to be afraid of…’
The second message is that covid19 is actually pretty harmless and no big deal.
This message is rooted in a great deal of fact, because, as we have been pointing out since day one, pretty much all the data coming out about this virus supports exactly this conclusion.
No official body has ever denied this, and most of them readily admit it. Regularly and unambiguously. Here and here and here and here.
All these sources admit the virus is ‘mild’ or even asymptomatic in the majority of cases, and chiefly a danger only to the already ailing or severely immuno-compromised. Just as most coronaviruses are.
So, Chris Whitty above is only one of many to point this out and this is not even his first go (see here) at explaining clearly that covid19 is only dangerous to a very very small minority of people, and that most who get it will be just fine.
Here’s a slide from his talk on April 30th:

Now, let’s look at what he is saying in the above video, on May 11th [our emphasis]:
[T]he great majority of people will not die from this and I’ll just repeat something I said right at the beginning because I think it’s worth reinforcing:
Most people, a significant proportion of people, will not get this virus at all, at any point of the epidemic which is going to go on for a long period of time.
Of those who do, some of them will get the virus without even knowing it, they will have the virus with no symptoms at all, asymptomatic carriage, and we know that happens.
Of those who get symptoms, the great majority, probably 80%, will have a mild or moderate disease. Might be bad enough for them to have to go to bed for a few days, not bad enough for them to have to go to the doctor.
An unfortunate minority will have to go as far as hospital, but the majority of those will just need oxygen and will then leave hospital.
And then a minority of those will end up having to go to severe end critical care and some of those sadly will die.
But that’s a minority, it’s 1% or possibly even less than 1% overall.
And even in the highest risk group this is significantly less than 20%, ie. the great majority of people, even the very highest groups, if they catch this virus, will not die.
And I really wanted to make that point really clearly…
It seems all the officials want ‘to make that point really clearly’, even while they behave as if it was not true.
There’s plenty of room for speculation there, and we leave it to readers to get into that BTL.
The motives, though, are less important than the basic and undeniable fact – the fear currently gripping the public mind is being simultaneously encouraged and acknowledged as unnecessary by the bodies overseeing the ‘response’.
And if enough people would wake up to the pea-and-thimble trick being pulled on them, then the most dangerous and far-reaching coup against human liberty we have ever seen would essentially be stopped in its tracks.
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and while Brits are all struggling Lewis Hamilton is apparently trying to get a pay rise for driving a car around . what a world we live in!
It’s a war against human dignity or what remains of it in some areas. The rich have already 99 percent of the Globe’s wealth. Some of stupid and violent minds do not sleep well because the miserable of the earth still enjoy the remaining 1 percent..The evidence is clear, the vaccine which should be provided for free, is sold at high prices. may be we Don’t need it, like Caviar. Containment following new wave of SARS Covid 2 alert, will simply kill any local economic initiative to avoid more misery. People will die for any reason. ALL fools SHOULD ENJOY with resilience. Masks and vaccines will take from GVNMTS more money and efforts than what is needed to eradicate extreme poverty and avoid its spread in developing countries. Organisations of crime will clearly prosper.
This does not mean we should not “‘ take the virus seriously and act calmly and thoughtful.”
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What utter crap is this?
Neither did any health authority issue such statements, nor is the content you are publishing here in any way correct or appropriate.
Nobody is telling people to be “afraid”. The public is simply informed about a serious virus, which caused a pandemic and killed over 700k people as of now despite global measures to contain it. With a lethality of 1,3% of infected persons (UK) and grave irreversible damage to many – even if they only have mild acute symtoms – an uncontrolled spread would kill hundreds of thousand more just in the UK.
If these facts make you afraid like when you blindly are fleeing hords of murderous zombies, you might have some other health issues.
Actually your wording suggests you ARE afraid, because you are reading things in official statements, that never were said. The sensible and obvious attitude is to take the virus seriously and act calmly and thoughtful.
Likewise is nobody telling people “covid19 is actually pretty harmless and no big deal”.
The mere fact, that the majority of the infected won’t die or suffer irreversible damage to lungs, heart or the brain, doesn’t mean it’s harmless. How simple-minded one has to be to come to such a conclusion? OffGuardian would label russian roulette as harmless as well, because you have a pretty good chance to survice, right?
The most troubling aspect of this nonsense is the focus on your personal fate, completely concealing the deadly consequences for others if you just ignore the virus. An asymptomatic person socializing can infect many, which is equivalent to unknowingly force a person to play russian roulette. So minimizing the chance of infecting others should be common sense as it is for >90% of the people.
“Bog Roll” or “Drum Roll”
Smokers immune systems are automatically inhibited as the smoke from the pyroysis of organic material produces acrolein which in turn mutates or damages RNA DNA and mtDNA and even cancer suppressor genes p153.Acrolein is very unique as it damages the genome but it also inhibits or nullifies the healing process by damaging lymphocytes .Acrolein is the number one cause ofCOPD that kills millions millions of smokers every year and many of those deaths come from passive smoke and PM25 Pollution that is filled with acrolein and propylene glycol that can be converted to acrolein by peroxidation
there’s no such word as “pyroysis” btw and er.. what’s it got to do with c19?
Presumably a typo for “pyrolysis”: decomposition brought about by high temperatures.
The problem is you don’t know if you are one of the vast majority or one who is going to seriously and adversely affected.
Those who can be adversely affected cross all age groups although seniors are most at risk. The question becomes do you want to risk your life on the bet you are in the vast majority – myself I don’t so I will remain cautious!!# Some people have long recovery times after Covid with possible long term negative affects. If you are twenty is this what you want?
study the cause of COPD and you will find acrolein. Then look into the molecular effects of Acrolein and the human body.This lone molecule damages RNA DNA and mtDNA and then inhibits the repair process by damaging lymphocytes. If you wonder why no one has heard of it it’s because is used as an intermediate in the synthesisof hundredes if not thousands of different pharmaceuticals and is metabolite of many more
Living in fear and what ifs is no way to survive. That will only serve to cripple all progress not to mention hold the rest of us back. I could panic about getting cancer as 1 in 2 are likely to get it and that’s much more devastating than Covid which is so low odds. I don’t see the logic in stopping our whole world for these odds sorry. Let’s get real here
The following video imbues much of what one needs to know to come to terms of how we got where we are:
” Covid 19 is not all Dangerous” , then what about the huge number of victims – so far- and the motives for the lock down. The harm is done.
Wake up
They’re exaggerating the numbers, saying people died of Corona when they really died of something else. Some of the people were diagnosed with Corona, yes, but they didn’t die from it. The people who actually straight up died directly from Kung Flu are few and far between.
And of course it’s not asking too much for us to take a handful of reasonable precautions to cocoon the potential victims of this, mostly the elderly and some young children. I wouldn’t get too upset if they did raise my taxes a tiny bit to have like a glorified meals on wheels thing to help the elderly and those at highest risk get what they need without leaving the house. We probably don’t need to raise any taxes, just take it out of something that we already spend way too much money on (like the military. I’m a veteran but we spend too much on military as it is-and the thing is, it doesn’t even help the soldiers-it most goes to 3rd party contractors.)
But it shouldn’t be softening us up for a martial law police state and economic collapse. Whether it’s a Chinese style Draconian Technocracy that the left seems to drool over, a Neofeudalistic, Roman-Fascistic Corporate Police State, Pluto Caesarism (what the Alt Right would like to do with Trump), or some form of the various flavors of Fascism, Orwellianism, and vanilla authoritarianism, we don’t want it. For all we know the government might put us into lock down, start taking people who they claim have the virus, killing them, and say they died of the virus.
Somebody warned that America was going to evolve into a form of totalitarianism that would have the trappings of capitalism and democracy to deceive us, a prison without walls and slavery without tears. I think we gotta be careful that even good people we should love and respect might be being manipulated by bad actors.
Do Americans need to be totalitarian like third world countries? No , since centuries they had special Tools to bully ( persecute and scare ) Indians
their own people, Blacks, Hispanics and the rest of the world . But any people need to be Wise and establish justice and the rule of law, regardless of their political and military history and any reputation of ” war mongers”.
There are so many people that the U.S.has pissed off it appears its payback time and it’s best to do it on Trump’s watch and that is why he got installed as president in the first place .yes lane duck president’s can be manipulated by big money and big lobbyists
They died with not OF Covid19…there is a difference.
We feel that many died for different medical causes , yet they are supposed to have caught covid 19. Is it a kind of super easy way to give fast diagnoses?
So do you actually know a person that has died of Corvid and did not have preexisting pathologies that where not chronic. A fried of mine was tested positive for Corvid because of a temp check her symptoms included runny eyes and nose to me that sounded like an allergic reaction to something she bumped into on the golf course.
yes it is relatively harmless to the majority of fit, healthy people.
who also happen to be ones who spread the infection the furthest, being unawares of their status, shedding viral particles willy nilly, oblivious to the costs to vulnerable people they never meet, rarely ever consider.
11.5 million people in the UK with at least 1 chronic incurable disease, many with two or more…
Case Fatality Rate in that population is between 10 and 14 percent of those who are infected.
Government policy is 60% infection rate to achieve mythical ‘herd immunity’.
Professor John Edmunds, SAGE : “Indeed, the ONLY way to stop this epidemic is to achieve herd immunity at 60% of the population.”
Some maths – 60% of 11.5 million is 6,900,000; and 10% of 6.9 million is 690,00.
690,000 horrible avoidable, preventable deaths = 690,000 less pensions, 690,000 less people for a privatised healthcare system to deal with. A policy that reduces liabilities into the future.
And a significant percentage of those who survive, having had a severe does of convid19 will have organ damage….
Hows them for harmless apples?
furthermore, Chris Whitty is a political appointee, his is not a scientist in this role – he is not elected from the body of epidemiological community. When it comes to Scientists with an independent or rather, truth telling streak think David Kelly and David Nutt.
That is what happens to such minds as minded to speak honestly. The rest earn tnbeir crust and toe the line.
More hysterical BS.
Focus should have been on protecting the at risk. Lockdown has failed to do this for the most vulnerable in care homes because the effort was aimed at the whole community.
Had money spent been focused on the at risk we would be in a much better place all round.
Instead all the lockdown apologists talk as if this is something that can go on forever and worse still they are totally ignoring the collateral which could potentially result in more deaths than what Covid-19 is causing.
A chunk the UK is milking the life out of the situation into the bargain while trade unions are actively encouraging this in an attempt to try and make themselves relevant. Ironically their actions will be the death knell in hundreds of thousands and more likely millions of jobs.
“..who also happen to be ones who spread the infection the furthest, being unawares of their status, shedding viral particles willy nilly, oblivious to the costs to vulnerable people they never meet, rarely ever consider.”
You mean… like the vaccinated?
Apologies if posted previously but I found this to be a very enlightening article and in particular the graph (yes another one!) illustrating the comparison if COVID was moved to the winter months vs. the flu season of 1999/2000 & 1998/1999:
“And if enough people would wake up to the pea-and-thimble trick being pulled on them, then the most dangerous and far-reaching coup against human liberty we have ever seen would essentially be stopped in its tracks.”
Erm… The pea and thimble “trick” has locked down most western economies and placed billions of lives at risk of starvation by next winters end. This is not a nice trick that goes away after the circus leaves town…
As many informed journalists have pointed out, this “trick” was well planned by a global cabal of corporate terrorists who bribed and funded the World Health Organization and many western leaders. > BARDA Whistle blower Links to Health Mafia
Published on 18 May 2020
There are many more of these video expose’.
As most informed citizens know, leaders in western governments have become little more than corporate terrorists and ambassadors of fascist policy. These “leaders” are supported by persons like this: > Alan Morton Dershowitz is an American lawyer and academic. < Also alleged to be a pedophile associated with the former Mr. Epstein – who conveniently "committed suicide"… Remember???
Nice guy, eh?
It’s going to take much more than wishful thinking to dispose of these over blown bastards for the rest of eternity… You need to force back control of your legal systems and permanently ban all forms of corporate syndication and organization.
Seems like you haven’t shaken it off yet. Still suffering from a classic case of confusing a symptom with the disease. Pity really, because if you don’t then you(se) have a future of ‘second+ wave’ you-ain’t-seen-nothing-yets coming your way until one day you(se) will let your guard down out of sheer exhaustion and wham, that’s the one that will get you(se).
When I was in my early teens I realized I was living in one of the last generations of the dominant western judeo-christian culture. By the time I’d reached my late teens I realized that that quaintly parochial take on things needed to be expanded to include the concept that, rather, I was living in one of the last generations of our species. What I didn’t understand until much more recently was that one of the surest signs of imminent extinction would be the premature, recurring panics of the terminally libertarian. The whimper before the bang.
Latest on the Simon Dolan case. He and his legal team are looking for first-hand examples of how people in England have been affected by the lockdown, so if anyone wants to participate…..
(Hope this links all right. I shall check after posting.)
“And if enough people would wake up to the pea-and-thimble trick being pulled on them, then the most dangerous and far-reaching coup against human liberty we have ever seen would essentially be stopped in its tracks.” Which, er, speaks to motives. Just saying.
Other than that, the article is pointed, a keeper. I’ll use it somewhere.
Media Lens has also been infected by doublethink:
According to this thinking, if someone dies of untreated conditions, those deaths are coronavirus deaths. Given this level of lunacy, I can only wonder why so many people are loathe to accept that we are witnessing (or participating in) a case of collective madness.
“Cronyvirus death toll even higher because people dying from heart disease, cancer, strokes, etc”. This is just insane. I cannot believe people can become so brain dead.
I have no use for Media Lens, but it’s possible that they just phrased that poorly. Precisely because it makes no sense, its meaning must be teased out. I think that they are there referring to the official, fakey, numbers that come about because of the way they count deaths, following guidelines of gangster authorities like Deborah Birx.
You ask “Why?” and say
then go on to offer a suggestion:
So you have already answered. You believe that this is in pursuit of a “coup against human liberty”.
If this is so, then you surely owe it to your readers to give us more detail.
By whom?
For what ultimate end?
How does creating a threat that both is existential and isn’t, at the same time, further this aim?
Rather than leave it for us to speculate, why not just tell us what you know?
The answers are, first, the parasite elites, who have covered the implosion of their debt empire with a crisis, and grabbed several trillion in loot in the process. They also benefit from mass immiseration and the liquidation of small and medium businesses, whose hard won assets will be vacuumed up by vulture funds. Moreover they will get more tax cuts, more vicious austerity and the destruction of any remaining labour rights and environmental protections, in the name of paying off the debt, for decades.
And the Federal Reserve will buy up all their junk debt, transferring liability to the proles. Win, win, win, win, win for the parasites. And war with China for the racist psychopaths of the Right. It’s a real winner. Of course such a vicious reactionary coup and such social savagery MUST cause revolt, so they surely have an ace up their sleeve for tha eventuality, and I leave it to you to guess what that will be.
An article written the same day as this one gives you a few answers you are apparently not yet interested in, or you would’ve already done the research yourself rather than posing “troll-type” questions here:
I don’t know if you’ve already seen it, and admittedly it’s ZeroHedge although the subject ‘graphic novel’ comic book is demonstrated to exist; this 2012 run of a few hundred copies was funded by the EU and intended for distribution to EU institutions. Entitled “Infection”, it is a story of a contagious virus which appears in a wet market in an Asian country. The UN medical officer warns “You might not even know you are infected until the end of the incubation period”, by which time you will have gone through an international airport and on to your world destination. The world badly fumbles the initial response to the pandemic, but the UN saves the day.
The only really jarring note, for me, was that everyone was afraid to travel by public transport, and they all bought cars, creating monumental traffic jams. But in many other respects it was as if it had been written as a script to the COVID scam.
I’m thinking it might be time to join the other side. We should join in with all the teachers and other workers who say it’s too dangerous to go back to work, as we’ve all been told that the virus is really dangerous and you can’t see your grandma etc. This will force the govt hand and they will have to admit the whole thing was fear mongering rubbish from the start. I don’t think schools should go back, until they can go back as normal, not this new normal bullshit. Either it’s safe to send kids back or it isn’t, no in-between measures. The govt has terrorised the populous, now they need to reassure us that the virus isn’t particularly dangerous.
Social distancing in schools is impossible, as is obvious to anyone who knows anything about schools.
James Brown – What a splendid idea, I hadn’t thought of that. Reverse psychology. If the whole country refused to go back to work, then I could then see Mr Johnson forcing us all back in and opening up the economy again. Can’t see it happening though.
We actually know for a fact that governments are fear mongering. UK Column News people received documents from a UK gov whistelblower showing how the UK government is ‘using’ the media to whip up fear. UK Column is an excellent source of info. So is 21st Century Wire, whose Patrick Henningsen sometimes sits with Mike Robinson in instead of Brian Gerrish.
This article of course argues the case wholly rationally.
But the explanation for the government’s intransigence and doublethink is that as David Starkey explains in his conversation with Peter Whittle on YouTube (really essential viewing/listening, in my view the best analysis I’ve heard yet anywhere)…
…the government is not interested in rational arguments on covid-19, it is only interested in taking actions which it believes (though probably wrongly, in the long run) will protect itself.
David Starkey points out that the Conservative government has for some time being tying itself to the NHS flag, as that was its weakness regarding the Labour party and Jeremy Corbyn, and Boris Johnson made it very clear from the time he became leader that (before Corbyn was gone as leader) one of his main goals, if not the main goal was “to stop Jeremy Corbyn”, because the Conservatives were terrified that Jeremy Corbyn got so close to winning the election against Theresa May (at one point he was far ahead in the polls, and even had a better personal popularity rating than her).
So Mr Starkey says he had insider information that the weekend when the policy changed from a Sweden style one to the strict lockdown, there was a certain hospital where they were really struggling to cope with the virus (so the story goes), and so the Conservatives had visions of newspaper headlines saying “NHS COLLAPSES UNDER PRESSURE OF CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC DUE TO CONSERVATIVE UNDERFUNDING.”
So from that point onward absolutely every other thing (including scheduled tests and operations for general medicine) was cancelled to focus entirely on covid-19, including the emptying of NHS beds which caused shipping out of old people (who were probably already infected with the virus in many cases) to care homes, because DS explains as care homes are not part of the NHS, that’s not an NHS failure, but can be laid at the door of the care homes themselves.
So as Boris Johnson is just acting totally to save his and the government’s personal skin, he will probably try to lift the lockdown as quickly as he can. But sadly, the unions and the PC left who are opposing the lockdown (and of course in Scotland and Wales and NI the devolved parliaments are not cooperating with the easing policies) seem determined to politicise this, or perhaps even believe they are seriously at risk, though basically my guess is they are just trying to use this situation to get rid of Boris Johnson.
The only good news is that I sincerely think Boris Johnson wants to lift the lockdown as fast as he can – all that is stopping him is the PC left and unions who are trying to use this situation to get rid of him, but in the process, really are this time therefore, unlike the lie told back in the Thatcher days, holding the country to ransom.
As they clear don’t care about the roughly 12 million over 65s, and 20 million over 55s, millions of whom are suffering very, very badly under the lockdown, their lives as they knew them totally destroyed, and uncertain they’ll ever be able to go out again and see their friends and family before they die.
But Mr Johnson is to blame too, because he should have (as David Starkey said also) at worst have gone for the Swedish approach. But by shutting nearly everything down, now he has got the awful task of trying to open it back up again, when (I’m not clear personally that it is the general public, who the polls say the majority of whom will have had more than enough of it by August) those who seek to make political gain of this on the PC left are doing their damnedest to stop him.
It’s an effective general strike, in an effort to get him to resign, but at the risk of causing a vastly worse economic collapse, which the dim PC left do not realise as yet he will then be able to blame upon them.
The tragedy for we, the public, the victims therefore, is that we have got two main political parties both of which do not care abut the consequences of the lockdown upon us, either short or long term, but only in hanging on to or getting power.
Clearly, if the general public are to have any hope of ever getting justice, they are going to have to find a way to get rid of the current system of party politics and replace it with something that better represents them.
In a nutshell your analysis is:
Johnson imposed the lockdown for fear of an NHS collapse as a result of the pandemic – and the resulting damage to his image.
Covid is not dangerous and affects very few seriously, so the lockdown should be lifted.
Johnson wants to lift the lockdown but unions are preventing this.
There seems to be a certain inconsistency here. Is covid a real threat to the NHS or not? If not, then why impose the lockdown at all as there was never a threat to the NHS anyway? Is it not the purpose of Unions to protect their members? Having been told that covid IS dangerous and a threat to the NHS, and that a lockdown was necessary, is it not entirely consistent and rational for the unions to want measures to maintain safety to be put in place BEFORE agreeing to have their members return to work?
1of7bn – I cannot agree with you about the PC left blocking lifting the lockdown. What has happened here and it is irrefutable, is that the MSM and broadcast media the BBC and ITV have raised the level of hysteria and hype to such an extent fuelled by disinformation and fake news and scaremongering stories which are not true, that people have now got so irrationally fearful of the whole thing that BoJo will find it difficult to lift the lockdown. However, although I cannot stand the man, I sincerely hope he has the courage to lift it because it is a mess and unecessary and has cost millions of jobs.
The Unions are seeking the ‘safety’ of their members and they should. However, what is badly needed is proper information just like Chris Whitty said on Saturday that 90% of people will not be affected by the virus one way or another. There needs to be more views aired such as those of Andrew Kaufman, Professor Bhukardi and others. A clear, sensible side of the issue needs to be addressed.
However, for a Government that exists by propaganda and ‘sound bite’ politics and care more about their standing in the polls than they do the British nation, their hands are pretty much tied to the MSM and the broadcast media because it was they that got the Tory party into Government. Something’s gotta give.
Sweden has the sixth highest death rate per capita in the world, so it is NOT an unalloyed success. The real success is China, that faced the bio-warfare attack alone and without any knowledge of the virus, and crushed it, and now is restoring some facsimile of normality, with high-tech disease surveillance and prevention of further outbreaks, and squashing of any that the US might spread in secondary attacks, or that arise ‘naturally’. But you MUST NEVER say anything positive about China.
I was impressed to find out about ten minutes ago (through looking at Simon Dolan’s Twitter feed) that Peter Ebdon the snooker player is opposed to the lockdown and said as much in a BBC interview. Note how the Independent article address banner includes a reference to David Icke for good measure, although his name doesn’t feature in the article as far as I can see.
As is evident from Mr Ebdon’s Twitter feed, he is taking the matter very seriously and, as well as posting comments of his own, he has retweeted tweets from Peter Hitchens and other sound challenging links, referencing among others Dolores Cahill, Lord Sumption, Patrick Henningsen, LockdownSceptics, Luke Johnson and several Telegraph articles.
Naturally, he is coming in for a lot of flak.
Good for him and hope he doesn’t feel intimidated into silence. Someone on his Twitter feed suggested he should be interviewed on LondonReal. I wonder if he is familiar with OffGuardian – if anyone on here is on Twitter and uses it (I don’t), perhaps they could suggest to him that he might find it a useful source of information.
One good example of Mr Ebdon’s contribution to the dissent!
That’s really sneaky, isn’t it, gratuitously including Icke’s name, even though he’s not relevant. So they can say they reportedit, but are also saying “move on; nothing to see here”.
Another example today that Peter Ebdon doesn’t just play with balls! 😀
I like his retort to the person who ubiquitously questions why he suddenly thinks he is medically qualified.
Two things about Peter Ebdon which are well known among snooker aficionados: 1) his, erm, attritional playing style, and 2) being a vegan (he once pumped his fist and shouted ”Vegan Power!!!” after winning a tricky frame. A very amusing moment).
A man of principle. My estimation of him has gone right up after learning of what he’s said about the coronavirus nonsense.
I don’t know if anyone has read this yet but the newly appointed (in February) Chinese Ambassador to Israel has been ‘found dead in his home’. It came two days after he denounced Mike Pompeo on his views about Chinese investments in Israel. The Israeli Government has not given a cause of death but have said the police are involved and normal procedures are being followed.
Is this the start of ……. the war on China? Scary stuff especially as the Israeli Government are involved and not giving information.
i saw this on twitter, would appreciate anyone’s thoughts on the little country changing horses.
Did China figure out where the virus originated? They should give Israel four hours to hand over the cure. Who else could stand up to the death cult state?
Meld, the fact this story isn’t in the MSM is interesting. I think it should be extremely concerning as it is likely to be a Mossad/CIA hit in my view. I think of the assassination of General Sulemain where he flew into another country to attend peace talks and was promptly assasinated probably by CIA/Mossad. It seems to me that the new Chinese Ambassador to Israel had a long stint as Ambassador to the Ukraine whereupon, a few months in Israel, after denouning the USA and Pompeo, two days later he is found dead at his home (his wife and family were not there). I smell not so much a rat as a sodding great mammal. Covid-19 is being used to push a lot of things under the radar such USA continued attempted coup in Venezuela amongst other things.
Let me repeat, what I already suggested to COVID1984PL (May 16, 2020 10:46 PM) below:
Those of us who criticize the lock-down are necessarily for the strategy of “herd immunity” (Sweden, Belarus) but now they try to abuse us: I believe it was even the head of the WHO, who denounced the word “herd” by telling us that we humans are not “herd”. so they try to paint us as heartless Nazis, who see their fellow citizens as ‘low value animals’.
Let’s turn the table by using the word “herd” against them and let’ by Let’s from now on use the term “HERD INDOCTRINATED” for our brainless fellow citizens who follow the government’s mass-propaganda!
Why was the virus given the name Corona (renamed Covid-9)
in other words, “the crown”? In the catholic doctrine of saints
there is a martyr from the 2nd century, Corona; she is the pa-
tron saint of money, butchers and treasure diggers, quite mo-
dern concerns. She was also called upon to ward off epidemics.
From the beginning this coronavirus was called 2019-CoV or something similar, then renamed to SARS-CoV-2 because of its striking similarity to SARS-1.
The disease allegedly caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is called COVID-19.
So, one is the virus, the other disease.
It does cause a lot of confusion, though, probably mostly due to the faulty reporting done by the media and the state.
Being test-positive for SARS-CoV-2 does not mean that one has COVID-19. And even if one has COVID-19, most go through it without any symptoms or with very mild symptoms. And I pass the subject of very unreliable tests (in the beginning CDC tests didn’t recognize clear lab water from water with this virus and just recently the president of Tanzania denounced tests used in his country: animals and fruit tested positive!).
I know. I read these statements on Mr. Storl’s website.
nobody has isolated a virus
It’s because coronaviruses have a “crown” around them – look suspiciously identical to exosomes. Andrew Kaufman had a youtube video about it but it’s been taken down. Funny that …..!
That’s interesting. His channel is still there, but yes, you’re right, there are some missing videos. That’s a shame. Still some controversial ones there though.
Andrew Saul’s recent videos still seem to be there (although his subversion is of a slightly different nature).
Coronaviruses have been around for a long time, this particular variant is called Covid-19. They are called Corona because of the shape of the virus which has spikes on it, hence “crown”. The term was first coined in 1968.
Corona Virus cannot be the true blame for people who have trouble breathing (likened to a high altitude sickness. . . that can kill), as well as loss of hearing and smell, and heart palpitations. Rather, this comes from five-gee, that Corona is merely a mask or scapegoat for. The American Medical Assoc. defined Corona as a “common cold” in their 1989 encyclopedia.
I’m really not having the whole 5G thing.. But for COVID19..??
It’s very clear to me (maybe not all) that there is a plan being executed by the world leaders. Using C-19 ensures that no matter who you are, were you live, what colour your skin is or the name of your God…. We all are, at this moment, in the same boat…
For this to happen must have taken many years of planning.
Why is it happening?
Who knows??
Only the people that need to.
But for this to take place, I’m sure it must be in the best interests for the human race. Now and years to come.
FiveGee is essential for the surveillance blanket that’s going to envelope the world. The radio waves are so powerful that they screw you up at the molecular level. A lot of scientists have raised the alarm but, naturally, this has been hidden from us. A good place to start is The Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenberg.
“I’m sure it must be in the best interests for the human race.”
You are being sarcastic, right?
It was interesting for sure.
“Why is it happening? Who knows??” By now, everyone visiting sites like this should know what’s going on. You don’t need to be a microbiologist or doctor of any sort in order to understand covid 1984.
It’s a little confusing. It seems as though some covid 19 sufferers have only flu-like symptons, but not necessarily breathing problems, and others have mainly blood problems. (And when doctors, hewing to their Rockefeller health care ideology, automatically intubate covid 19 patients, they kill them, because they have often have healthy lungs and you don’t intubate patients with healthy lungs.) Wolfgang Wodarg’s OG article is very revealing in that regard. And he of course, like others, was alerted to the blood/oxygen problem by Cameron Kyle-Sidell’s whistleblowing (?) video.
Do you really think that ventilators cannot be adjusted to take into account the compliance of each individual’s lungs and measurements of tidal volume, peak end-expiratory pressure, oxygen levels and any of several settings for different conditions?
They can, but they aren’t always according to some reports I’ve seen saying that maladjusted ventilators have been harming people, perhaps operated by staff who aren’t fully trained etc. How frequent or infrequent this is is not fully understood at this this time.
Ramin Mazaheri, Paris-based correspondent for Press TV, on French nurses taking to the streets.
Ramin Mazaheri should turn his gaze towards captive Iran. At least the French don’t send motorbike thug squads to smash demos.
Don’t the French cops blind people at protests? Or am I thinking of some other “civilised” Western country? So confusing to keep track of all the juicy stuff from the universe of “liberte, egalite, fraternite”. I take it you’re completely oblivious of how they deal with the Gilets Jaunes? Not surprised. You’re a tranquilised automaton. And you want to bring Iranians “freedom”? Now where have we heard that before? Ah, it’s from the same old playbook. “Voila!”, as they say in Macronopia.
Indeed. The powers that shouldn’t be must be overjoyed to see how their hoax has derailed protests like the yellow vests.
Not the opponents of Gates are “conspiracy theorists”, but Gates & Co are conspiracy practitioners.
Even if you think you are reasonably normal, like chat to your neighbours, when they have locked themselves out of their own home, and do your best to try and get them back in. like checking the entire circumference of their home – would you like to come in out of the cold….I could ask my lad to come round if you like?
I do not go out and clap at 8:00pm on Thursday Nights – my wife does a bit, just to be polite.
Not a good sign.
Most of our neighbours are still brain washed – “great husband you have got”, whilst my wife is coming home, totally laden – arms and legs, rucksack – everything she could carry (mostly pretty plants) and a bit of food from Lidl (its dead cheap – even I have been there twice)
She is fit. Maybe Alderney First, cos we just have to be polite, and smile.. We are planning this, whilst working hard to get everything ready. Everything needed to be cleaned inside and out (mild bleach works really well on musty curtains, sheets and blankets) -then stick ’em through your mum’s washing machine, and leave them out on the nappy tree to dry in the sunshine.,-3.186,8
Not Dead Yet.
That’s a nice website. I was not aware of it.
Lincoln stands his ground against a gang of zombies. Great stuff.
The oligarchs media conglomerates has two narratives the right and left, much like the govt “left” its controlled opposition.
All the fake lefty narratives say there is a “new deadly disease called COVID19” caused by a sars corona 2 virus ( *with no evidence and the usual number of winter deaths of stressed out elderly and diseased in a world where 150,000 die everyday )so the fake left sites just acknowledge what most of population already know that the govt lied/provided wrong numbers of deaths.
A real lefty would say there is no evidence of “COVID19” save the name of the psyop used to take our freedoms and do a NWO reset ..
All the tests( PCR and antibody)are meaningless … distinguishing SARS-Cov-2 from other coronaviruses was eventually deemed unnecessary .especially meaningless with all the ones the CDC contaminated and the Chinese ones with 80% false results. So they were spreading a virus and not testing.
So people have been making decisions based on false data then continuing to analyze false data over and over .
The oligarchs media conglomerates has two narratives the right and left
much like the govt “right” its controlled opposition.
This is exactly the same lunacy that prevails in Australia. Not only did we have the Chief and Deputy Chief medical officers state more than once that the virus for most people was like a mild case of flu, the Prime Minister actually said it. Our total deaths 83, which is ironic because I think that’s the average age of the people who died. This looks more and more like a case of saving face. Capitalism and Corporate Greed has failed as most thinking people knew it would. Infinite growth with finite resources and 7 Billion people simply cannot work. So what do these spineless gutless wonders do… you guessed it. Not the truth, oh no, enter stage left, the coronavirus, aka the scapegoat. Oh it wasn’t us. It was the coronavirus. Such concentrated horseshit. Fuck em all. Tossers. Listen closely to the real narrative. It’s all about the economy and their latest nauseating buzzword “the new normal” . I actually do sort of get it. What I can’t stand is the lies and the bullshit and worst of all, the cretans who believe the bullshit!!
Ernst Wolff is not the only person that said that the financial collapse was about to happen and that the virus is just a scapegoat (
Regarding the “new normal”, this might be of interest to Off-Guardian readers, if not already familiar with it:
In Austria and Germany “coronasceptics” are organizing themselves very well. And, as far as I know, Germany is the country with the largest number of doctors, medics and experts in diseases, viruses, etc. that speak out against this pandemic madness.
Thanks, COVID1984PL.
Excellent analysis by Ernst Wolff…I was so convinced by what he said and his credibility, I took some of the mitigating measures he recommends after I saw the interview with him a few weeks ago, and will continue to do so!
Superb performance by the Austrian member for the opposition party. And who do we have in the UK mirroring this stand against the scandal in parliament? Absolutely no one. Not a single person with wisdom and integrity prepared to say it as it is.
In the Austrian parliament at least the other members of the FPO party are saying the same thing as Mr. Kickl or similar. In Italy it’s Vittorio Sgarbi and Sara Cunial (at least these two).
Yes, what struck me about the footage was that he clearly had the expressed support of his fellow party members. I am certain that wouldn’t happen in the UK even if someone did speak out – they would be drummed out of the party for failing to stick to the official narrative.
The official line of the Austrian FPO party is, in this “pandemic”, coronascepticism.
The most important thing about German speaking countries in the current situation is that they have the most scientists and doctors, among them very renowned like prof. Bhakdi, prof. Puschel, prof. Streeck, who question the official narrative and provide real facts.
Anyone in Germany, Austria or German-speaking Switzerland who questions the “pandemic narrative” has a lot of scientific basis for their claims.
And that is also why they protest in Germany in such huge numbers in Stuttgart, Berlin and other places. They give out fliers with citations of their scientists.
I forgot to add. Check out the Austrian petition, endorsed by the FPO:
The Austrian initiative for evidence-based corona information:
But also the German Resistance2020 party: (founded just now, due to the fake pandemic)
Two new associations in Germany: (Prof. Bhakdi is one of the founders:
And all Off-Guardian readers should be already familiar with the German Internal Ministry paper that was intentionally leaked out. It was written by an official of the Ministry and exposes the “global false allarm”, the senseless lockdown measures and estimates the damage (especially to human life) these measures will cause. The paper was divulged by its author a week ago on Tichys Einblick. It can be downloaded from here:
or here:
I was warmed to see that as well.
JudyJ – unfortunately, Stoogie Starmer, a media and BoD poodle, seems to be incapable of understanding what opposition actually means. Some MSM praise him (since it was they who got him elected) but I’ve watched PMQs and he’s useless. He won’t though, go against the MSM or the BoD. Corbyn would have been there robustly questioning and challenging some of these decisions.
The Austrian politician who you are referring to is probably Herbert Kickl, above.
Thanks for this video with the speech of Austrian ex-minister Kickl (as a foreigner I live in Vienna at the moment) .
Kickl is really an excellent speaker!
One can hardly notice it, but he makes a very good move by using the word “herd” to form the term speak “herd policy”.
He does not discuss this, but we all know why he does that: Those who rule us are vilifying the strategy of “herd immunity” (Sweden, Belarus). I believe it was even the head of the WHO, who denounced the word “herd” by telling us that we humans are not “herd”.
Ex-minister Kickl now turns the table by turning the term “herd” against them.
And I now go even a step further and suggest this:
Excellent idea, Joerg. I shall certainly use it at every opportunity.
Herbert Kickl, of the Freedom Party, in Austria really tore a strip off of his useless fellow parliamentarians. (Germany does indeed seem to have a lot of real stars in the medical profession. Italian Parliamentarian Vittoria Sbarg ripped into Italy’s loser politicians. And Scott Jensen in the US has stepped up. Rand Paul has said useful things, but he then calls the alleged virus dangerous.)
“Our total deaths 83, which is ironic because I think that’s the average age of the people who died.”
That’s just about the same average age of death that I’ve estimated, Andromeda. But try as I may I just can’t find the exact statistic. All the newspapers are full of stats and graphs but nowhere do they mention average age of death. And it’s not in the Govt. stats either. My conclusion is they’re covering it up. Even the average brainwashed Australian might wonder why the Government has absolutely trashed the economy for years to come if they learnt that the vast majority of deaths were of octogenarians and older.
Back in the day seasonal flu used to be known as “the old man’s friend”. Maybe Covid-19 should be rebranded as such. It needs to given a more sympathetic image.
And another thing. Is anybody else amazed how the virus has been transformed graphically from those tiny, ill defined, blobs in the first electron micrographs to something resembling an alien creature with the shape of an underwater mine? Who funded this amazing metamorphosis? Probably the same people who organised the grim reaper HIV panic.
The cretins who believe the bullshit are the same cretins who fell for all the lies in Australia’s recent past starting with WMDs etc etc etc. Unfortunately they are in infinite supply down under!
And guess who’s on ABC radio just as I type this? Dr. Normie Swann. One of the chief alarmists and disinfo purveyors. If there’s anybody full of bullshit it”s that guy. He’s a regular regurgitator on the nation’s propaganda organ.
Ovana, spot on. Over here in the UK the media are still purveyors of mass hysteria, hype and misinformation so people continue to believe them. However, I am starting to note some previous disciples of the propaganda are starting to question more. However, it seems to be the case that BoJo wants to continue to ease the lockdown (quite right too) and God knows, I can’t stand the man, but, the MSM has caused such hysteria and fear that he is now finding it’s going to be very difficult to do this. I cannot stand the NUT (National Union of Teachers) but I cannot see any reason why schools cannot re-open. After all, they are still open for children of key workers so what’s the difference? However, the NUT are refusing to go back to work. Nice jolly for the teachers then, get almost a year off work on top of all the holidays they get.
Sunak, our Chancellor has also said there will be tax increases and other financial impact. I will take a well educated guess that those millionaires and billionaires will not get taxed a penny more – poor them. It wall fall, once again, as did austerity policies on the poor, the vulnerable, the unemployed and the low paid. Not only this, in June we are going to crash out of the EU without a deal. The UK are not in the least bit interested in negotiating what is best for the nation but are intent on implementing the one-sided trade deal with the USA.
We are heading towards a chronic depression which will take well over 20 years to sort out. We don’t have a Leader of the Opposition here who has any political convictions whatsoever so we’ve got the choice of a Fascist Tory Party or a more light weight Tory Party. Hobsons choice.
My view is that Johnson should just re-open the UK lock stock and barrel and the Doctors in the UK and the naysayers and the sheeples will just have to sit there and bleet incessantly.
“It’s a fine mess you’ve got us into Stanley…..”
The average age was mentioned at Dmitry Orlov’s blog, Club Orlov. He claimed 90% of the dead were over 70 years of age, although I don’t know how he arrived at his figures. But he’s usually pretty reliable and accurate.
Oh; that was only in Sweden, which did not initiate a lockdown and took only mild and sensible precautions.
I don’t see how it can be “saving face” when this was all planned, Andromeda. They knew they’d be spouting nonsense right from the start. It’s all planned and scripted. They’re perfectly happy looking like idiots it seems cos it’s all in a higher cause – and, of course, it’s us who are the real idiots going along with it all (and I do include myself because even though I speak out against it I’m still going along with it). I will draw the line at some point no doubt.
I think we should have an OffG competition for most nauseating buzzword/term.
Today I saw a sign at a school that said “Stay safe”. I found that extremely nauseating.
Petra, if I read one more ‘stay safe’ motif or if anyone says it to me I shall commit hari kari!! We are already safe
I dry retch at “we’re all in this together” & “the new normal”, most days…….
Dead right on all points, mate. The scare tactic has worked a little too well, methinks and now these lying pricks are up a dead-end of their own making. Unfortunately, they will pull it off and get away with it. Mankind is getting dumber by the day.
It’s one of the many ways people are being manipulated. Probably the most patent way.
This is an excellent piece so we translated it into Polish:
Stole this comment from a YouTube commentator. I got to hand it to them (sanitized of course). Enjoy.
Sorry for the cut and paste mishap 🙁
Brilliant nevertheless. Thanks.
Ha ha yes. I keep telling the Sheeple it doesn’t make any sense. You can go shopping with hundreds of people but you can’t go to the beach or the park? All total BS
Andromeda – I agree. I can visit my 87 year old Mum if I was her cleaner, but not as her daughter! I can sit 2 meters away from somebody in the park, but not in their back garden. Even if it was a mansion. Yes total BS!
Indeed. The UK Column News presenters noticed that on the list of businesses to open, sort of, first are those places where people don’t socialize but do mingle. We mustn’t organ, er, violate physical distancing.
I have cleaned up the pasting mishap, let me know if it’s not right. I made a copy of the full text. A2
Thanks Admin 😊
Excellent. Sums it up nicely.
That is brilliant.
Joe C – whoever wrote this, it is a brilliant summary! However, I note that today the head of WHO said that the virus will probably burn out by itself and a vaccine will no longer be needed. Here our Chief Medical Office has once again reiterated that very few people will be affected by the Virus. One of the MSM had a headline yesterday “Good News. Although the virus is on the increase the number of hospital cases have plummeted”. Now, call me old fashioned but most of us on here know the majority of hospitals are running 3/4 empty because they have no COVID-19 patients particularly as they are refusing to admit the frail elderly who require treatment for it. The Nightingale Hospitals have been running empty almost since their inception. So, there is now a concerted drive to change the message but, such is the extent of the fear induced by the MSM and Government, they are now finding they cannot do it.
Not just that, from Mid-July the school holidays officially start – all those working parents probably prefer to be furloughed than have to make arrangements for their children whilst they go to work.
Our Government has made a total and utter mess of everything, tanked our economy and caused mass unemployment over something Chris Witty has yesterday said the majority of people will not be affected by. They now cannot get out of it without losing face. Although I can’t stand BoJo I would like to see him stick to his guns and ease the lockdown considerable in the next 3 weeks.
Good one. I particularly appreciate the citing of Orwell. Homage to Catalonia is a general tonic.
Wisconsin supreme court declares state’s lockdown measures unconstitutional:
There’s only one man who can save us during these troubling times. A visionary. A man who understands world events like no other, and who has the ear of presidents and policy-makers all across the globe.
We need you, Bono!!!
This scene from one of my favorite films, My Dinner with Andre, directed by Louis Malle, seems even more relevant today, especially the segment concerning New York as the model for the new concentration camp where the inmates are both prisoners and guards, and exist in a state of schizophrenia.
Interesting that film was made all the way back in 1981.
Theatre director Andre Gregory and actor/playwright are very perceptive artists and still alive and active. They were the developers and writers of the script in which the characters are loosely based upon themselves. The original work was many hours longer than the two-hour feature film that their friend Louis Malle helped them put in a cinematic form. Criterion Films has a DVD version for sale with extras about the film’s creation.
Forgot my reference to actor/playwright WALLACE SHAWN.
Never seen this before, and just watched it because of your comment. I really liked it.
Thanks, True North, for that comment. I am always happy to find another appreciator of that film. It is quite unorthodox.
No that is no good as there is no ” new deadly disease called COVID19″ this ghoul can’t make it real by claiming the ( utterly)falsified figures are “lower”.
Is the pseudo left narrative.
The fact is there is no evidence of it .
I thought about this at length yesterday evening, but failed to come up with anything solid to say on the matter. It is an intriguing situation that these two contradictory themes are apparently able to co-exist. I might comment further if I come up with anything.
However, I still do not hold with the baldrickian notion that this is all part of some cunning government plan. They simply do not have the brains. But with that said, the government, as I have said before are 100% responsible for this mess and should never be allowed to forget it.
I was out for my long weekend walk this afternoon. I drove for about an hour and parked up. My walk lasted about 4 hours and took in two National Trust properties and a reservoir. I had not walked this route before and twice got lost.
The roads seemed to be a little busier than they had last week and I passed quite a few people along the route, especially along the reservoir section. The first NT property was eerily quiet however, I think because they had prevented access by car, but still there were a few people about. There were some little notices pinned to some of the gates regarding keeping distant to the livestock. I couldn’t resist defacing a couple of them with quips about social distancing.
I am pleased to report that not one person I passed on my stroll was masked, though several did a polite – but for me annoying – stop to let me pass. On one short section I was on a busy road and passed a frightened woman and her two children quite closely. I am trying to come up with a way of “defusing” them, but I accept that this is probably impossible. I can only hope that in time they will come to realise how stupid this all is.
The highlight of my walk was a rather foolish attempt to jump a low wall on my way for a better view of the reservoir. I tripped and somehow landed on my back on the other side of it. My own fault for trying to be clever. I got a slightly bruised back, but bizarrely, at the same time I found it quite funny. It was nice also to see that on that part of my walk the car park for the reservoir was locked, but that many people had parked in the lane leading up to it in order to go for a walk.
The second NT property I passed was busier, I think it has some sort of garden centre that was attached to it and it had brought them out of their bunkers.
Also slightly busier in the town where I live today. I was also interested to notice a group of four youngish looking people in a group, not at the official distance from each other. I believe we are allowed out with one other non-family member now, aren’t we? So this could have been two pairs of friends who had just met up by chance.
On the down-side, slightly more people wearing the mask of doom. My wife was talking about buying some masks online from a firm that makes them out of tea-towels. They look vaguely pretty I will concede, but I don’t want one. Fortunately (well, in one way), they are sold out!
If I had to wear one, I’d want it to have a skull printed on it.
No f*****g way I would wear a mask. They don’t have any effect other than prevent you from breathing fresh air!
I agree. I said IF I had to wear one. They’d have to compel me – hope it never comes to that.
the government, as I have said before are 100% responsible for this mess and should never be allowed to forget it…….I would think that China’s government is 100% responsible, unless you think the Chinese government is 100% responsible for Hurricane Hazel.
Hi John,
With regard to social distancing whilst passing people on footpaths, I see that the police are now advising that it is unlikely that anyone can become infected by walking past someone else normally. They are worried about people getting run over (and no doubt suing the Government) so have now moved the goalposts.
Took their time, didn’t they!
Hi JudyJ they seem to be making it up as they go along!
Indeed. That’s a major theme here. The UK Column News presenters make the point all the time, as do other commentators. The pretense to the rule of law is dropping. It’s just rules – whatever the powertrippers decide at any given time. It’s rule by force and fear.
“Shortly before the US invasion of Iraq in March 2003, career diplomat John Brady Kiesling, the political counselor at the US embassy in Athens, resigned over the Iraq policy. ‘Has “oderint dum metuant” really become our motto?’ he asked in his letter of resignation, referring to the fact that more than one member of the Bush administration had used the expression.” pg 2 of “America’s Deadliest Export: Democracy” by William Blum
Oderint Dum Metuant means ‘Let them hate so long as they fear’.
We don’t have democratic States. We have police States or Corporatocracy Police States and they act accordingly. They are in fact, as the Trilateralists determined so long ago that they would become, glorified police forces. Jon Rappoport notes this in a recent blog post. I included an excerpt from it just after using a quote from Tony Clarke’s book titled “Silent Coup – Confronting The Big Business Takeover Of Canada,” in which Tony looks at the Trilateralists’ plans for redesigning governments in order to make them less responsive to citizens and citizens’ movements and more responsive to transnational capital.
“These seventeen Giants of capitalism that collectively mange this concentration of more than $41 trillion in funds operate in nearly every country. They are the central institutions of the financial capital that powers the global economic system. Western governments and international policy bodies tend to work in the interests of these financial Giants to protect the free flow of capital investment and insure debt collection everywhere in the world.” pg 35 of “Giants – The Global Power Elite” by Peter Phillips
Arby, Thank you for this analysis and it is oh so true – the “Let them Hate so long as they fear” motto. I am not sure where all this is heading I would like to think that capitalism has had its day but I dare say that’s pie in the sky thinking.
However, China, Russia and the quiet but effective SCO are stepping on to the world stage. China has overtaken the USA as the world’s biggest economy (cue: which is why I am seriously concerned that two days ago the new Chinese Ambassador to Israel was found dead in his home, alone, having denounced Mike Pompeo and the USA two days earlier) it is even more concerning because it hasn’t been covered in the MSM.
For what it’s worth, it is the USA who is losing ground in the world. They’re economy is in dire straights, China hold £1.6trn dollars of USA debt which, if they released them onto the world markets would collapse the USA economy. This is a desperate attempt by the USA to hold onto their goal of world domination – a Fascist ideology promoted by Hitler in fact. We in the UK, our government are hand in glove with the USA so whatever the forthcoming crisis in the USA it will have treble the consequences here in the UK as, with a No Deal Brexit now inevitable and in June, we are tanked.
Thanks. But I wouldn’t get caught up in the phony contests, between political parties and between States. James Corbett presents some revealing things in that regard in his video titled “Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order!” /
“…. mortality is to a large extent determined by access to and quality of health care. ”
Hmmm, so much for all the geriatric patients who were chucked out of hospital and denied healthcare to “protect the NHS!”
My Mother-in-Law (86) though she has had a couple of stints in a Nursing Home, when she was 84 and 85, was always determined to come back and live in her own home..and did several times…as she got older (86), and stronger and healthier (having experienced hospitals (yes they did a brilliant job (and still do) – her next doot neighbour (79 is a hero)..
So it comes to Last December -and sure she had a few little problems (my wife who is brilliant was getting her to do her exercises (we live over 200 miles away)
She made it completely clear that she was not going to go into a Nursing Home This Year And Didn’t.
Best Decision she ever made, cos if she had, there is a very high probability, she would not be still alive and healthy, and I love my mother-in-law to bits – she’s just like my wife.
We know why.
I can only Thank My Brother-in-Law, for breaking all the rules, and travelling many miles, to look after his Mum.
He never told us cos he was worried he might get arrested. It’s still a family secret.
Now that’s the sort of person we should clap for at 8pm on Thursdays.
All credit to him of course. But it’s insane that in a civilised world, one even has to worry for a second about a thing like that.
Mike absolutely correct. However, we appear to have become a nation of curtain twitchers and snitches.
Tony, I have seen a news item today that says police are ‘hunting’ a man who kissed a friend on the cheek by way of saying thank you! It goes to show, give the police limitless powers and they start to act like the Gestapo!
Got a shock today, coming back from my walk, there were not one, but two police cars in the relatively small close where I live, one right opposite my house. However, one disappeared fairly quickly, and the other appeared to be visiting a neighbour. At first, I automatically assumed they had come to check up on my dissenting activities.
It’s funny, because up to now, I’d hardly seen any police around during this whole sorry sag; I assumed they were busy working out dance routines with nurses. I mean, what else does one do during a “pandemic”?
Hi Mike, Were, per chance, the police observing social distancing rules and wearing gas masks?
They sure don’t here in Toronto. But about 50% of the population has gone loony.
Good point Jo. No, no masks, and the ones sitting in one of the cars were sitting normally in the two front seats, so I think the answer to the social distance question must be no.
Isn’t it amazing: they are spending millions on a new vaccine, when they could simply render the population completely immune to the virus by recruiting them to the police force. Since they want to create a police state anyway, it seems perfectly logical.
Mike, now, that’s a good plan. Immediate immunity, just like that!
From more innocent (and definitely saner) times:
Hi Mike. Brilliant but very apt for our current times!
Covid 1984 is a powertripper’s paradise!
Indeed. Andrew Cuomo in New York is taking heat for the deaths he caused by forcing nursing homes there to take sick covid 19 patients. All I know is that if you expose elderly people to sickness, it’s probably not a good idea. But, as I don’t believe that there is a covid 19 virus, I can’t say for certain whether Andrew has as much blood on his gangster politician’s hands as some think.
Arby, I think Cuomo might have a lot more blood on his hands but not necessarily to do with Covid-19!
Its bullshit narrative as there is no evidence whatsoever for ” new deadly disease called COVID19″ caused by a sars corona 2 virus.
Ghoul says the disease COVID19 exists when it doesn’t its the mark of the fake ” left” narrative.
“Less deaths” when there are no deaths that can be said to be caused by said virus.
Expose the psyop COVID 19 if facts are sacred… because these articles sound like they are scared.
The coronavirus police state (4): pushing back against the business shutdown and loan racket
Best article on the medical pros (none) and cons (plenty) of face masks:
Thank you for highlighting this. I am tired of telling people that wearing masks could potentially make them sick. It should be obvious that putting on, removing, and messing with a mask on your face increases exposure to whatever is on your hands and on the mask.
Moreover, every time you exhale, instead of being expelled, the bacteria and viruses from your mouth and nose get concentrated in front of your face, which you then re-inhale and thus get a higher dose of them. It is a fact that pathogenicity of viruses and bacteria DEPEND ON AMOUNT AND CONCENTRATION. So, even if you were a mildly sick with some cold, you would now keep reintroducing the same pathogen within your mask micro environment re-exposing yourself to increasing concentrations of it which could result in a more severe illness. In addition, germs that are suppose to stay in your mouth, and are harmless in that location, instead go into your nose and vice versa.
Turns out, viability of coronaviruses increases in very high humidity, but is lowest at around 50%. While wearing a mask you increase humidity in front of your face close to 100% and thus create excellent conditions for the viability enveloped viruses, including coronaviruses and influenza.
Mask-wearing is based on a very basic cognitive bias that barriers block everything, and arises from scientific ignorance.
I read somewhere that viruses within water droplets don’t travel as far as viruses without a water envelope. If I believed in viruses, I’d say that that was due to depolymerization. Water dissolves things.
There’s related article about digital money by Mike Orcutt. His article is in MIT Technology Review. He notes that there’s no medical reason to go digital and notes that there’s no record of a pandemic having started from someone touching something. And Dr David Brownstein has this to say about masks:
=== =
Folks, I have been writing to you about COVID for over a month. It is been a painful time period for all of us. What is really sad is that too many political dictates are being fostered [foisted?] on us without any good scientific evidence to back them up. One of those requirements that has me irritated is the use of face coverings that I see so prevalent out there. When I go to Costco, 95% of the people in the store are wearing face masks. Why is that?
The Governor of Michigan recently released an edict requiring that citizens wear a face covering when in any enclosed public space. It specifically states, “Any individual able to medically tolerate a face covering must wear a covering over his or her nose and mouth—such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana, or handkerchief—when in any enclosed public space.” Later in the edict, it states, “Supplies of N95 masks and surgical masks should generally be reserved, for now, for health care professionals, first responders and other critical workers who interact with the public.”
It should be well known that cloth masks, bandanas, or handkerchiefs will do very little to stop the spread of coronavirus. In fact, they may actually increase your risk of becoming ill from corona and other influenza-like illnesses. A 2015 study found cloth masks, when compared to surgical masks, increase the rate of influenza-like illnesses 13x! (1) Cloth masks are probably best avoided and should not be reused without properly sanitizing them.
Regular surgical masks are not much better in this situation. The COVID-19 virus is 0.125 µm in size. Surgical masks have been shown to not adequately filter against aerosols measuring from 0.9-3.1 µm. (2) Other researchers have shown that particles from 0.04-0.2 µm can penetrate surgical masks. (3)
A 2020 study in Seoul, South Korea looked at the effectiveness of surgical and cotton masks in blocking COVID-19 in a controlled comparison of four patients. (4) The COVID-infected patients were put in negative pressure isolated rooms. The scientists compared disposable surgical masks (3 layers) with reusable cotton masks. Patients were instructed to cough 5 times while wearing no mask, surgical mask, or cotton mask. Interestingly, all swabs from the outer masks—including surgical masks—were positive for COVID-19. Inner masks were also found to be contaminated. That means the mask did not effectively filter out the COVID virus since it is too small. The authors state, “Neither surgical nor cotton masks effectively filtered {COVID-19} during coughs by infected patients.”
= ===
Unfortunately, Dr Brownstein has been ordered to stop publishing information about common sense therapies and is sort of silenced. Although, it seems that he and his associates have also drank the covid 19 pandemic Kool-Aid.
Asterix and the Corona virus. The whole “pandemic” surely has comic-like features.
The inventor of the coronavirus has the same birthday as Hitler.
Superstitious people might not see it as a coincidence. After all,
statistically speaking, only every 365 people share this common
A 2003 episode of ‘Dead Zone’ predicted the exact chain of events leading to coronavirus pandemic
The song “Pandemic” was made in 2013 by Dr Creep, rapper from US, it contains lyrics about Corona virus predictions, such as ” 2020 combined with Corona virus bodies stacking”.
Umm that’s because the Coronavirus has been around for years. It’s just a name for a viral group. Look it up.
I’m not reading too much into this either. But I do find the “relations” that the German government has with the Gates Foundation interesting. I’m sure there’s a lot of money involved.
134 films so; all exactly min33 sec33 star realizes scam… Matrix, the simpsons…
Just caught the latest news flash: dogs are being trained to sniff out COVID. They will be sensitised to the odour of sheer evil in the air. But obviously there will have to be enormous numbers of them since the lethal airborne toxicity will fell hundreds.
Well given that the much-vaunted rt-PCR test can’t do it properly, I can only say “good luck with that Fido!”.
Frankly, I think that we’ve now descended to the level of padding the corra story out in every way conceivable. You can imagine the backroom hacks batting ideas back and forward:
“Oh we need a new angle! We’ve done the celeb death thing and the Royal sickness and the PM illness! What next?”
“What – dogs catching corona?”
“No – dogs sniffing corona. We’ll keep the catching bit till later. Maybe have one of the Royal Corgis come down with it.”
“Yeah OK” etc.
Next up: fish, dolphins, arachnids etc.
And a special on whether alien life forms may catch corona. (With an extra on whether corona came from outer space in the first place.)
Fido might do a much better job! Or then again, Fido might not find anything at all.
I’ve had a dog sniffing round my balls several times. I was never that impressed (I like birds and cats), but at least the police handler called it off – I was just going into town to see a live band, and I forgot my walking stick…
Whilst their owners are stupid, dogs are not that thick, if you have got a big monopod, even if it has got a camera attached at one end, they know what you might do in defence, if they try and sniff my wife’s bum or cover me in mud again. I used to work in Fulham.
“Christian the Lion: Original Viral Video”
Whilst Bill Gates has still got a big smile on his face, and so far as I remember, today is the first time, I have ever heard him speak – I was never a fan, and I am still not impressed. If I were him, I would start to get a little bit worried, not necessarily on the straw poll I did today, which at first glance may indicate that over 80% of both Americans and Europeans still buy the official story (amongst people who are still sufficently compos mentis to write their view on the internet), its just that the 20% write a lot better, and quite obviously are still capable of critical thinking, and have done their own research, and most of them, where possible, have gone back to work. The numbers on our side, are growing. The numbers on Bill Gates’ side are not – they are going down…which of course has always been his agenda. The communists in the USSR and China, Vietnam and Cambodia used a different method. They killed all the clever people first. They wanted everyone to be the same, with them in control.
I accept we are not out of the wood yet, but I think the tide has changed, and the Guys and Girls at OFF_Guardian, have made a massive contribution in changing the tide of opinion, with highly reputable evidence, backed up from numerous different sources from across the world.
Thank You,
Jesus, I wish I had your optimism. I hope you are right.
Power seduces. Whoever generates so much influence
very quickly confuses himself with “God”. The omnipo-
tence of money lets these people develop abstruse ideas.
Anyone who doubts that such self-promoters will tower above the world must be “commie”. Their sense of mission is gigantic, like an octopus all media channels are instrumentalized by them. Although the only lesson to be learned is that this kind of “hyperphallic” influence calls for limitation. It is not enough to build skyscrapers and put their names on them! The last and ultimate orgasm is only complete when Gates’ poison flows in the veins of the world.
I alway have to think of Hitler’s last photograph then, standing
in his ruins, after he even sacrificed the children of his oh so “be-
loved people”. He did not realize that his megalomania was tur-
ning the world into hell on earth. Why did it have to come to this,
why did no one stop him? Humanity remains as stupid as before.
Al Capone said in prison he was just trying to “save humanity”. In a
last ditch effort, Stasi boss Mielke “raised his arms like an evangelist,”
and cried, “I love all – all Humanity! I really do! I set myself before you!”
Why do psychopaths become “world leaders”?
Is Gates a “silent mass murder”? This is not about
everyday crime. “Bonnie and Clyde”? I find the
term “Eva Braun syndrome” more appropriate.
“Murderer” of course. It’s about injections again.
Please stop posting long chains of stream-of-consciousness. I will be removing these as spam unless you are able to keep it concise and on topic. Thanks. A2
“The stream of consciousness is a metaphor describing how thoughts seem to flow through the conscious mind.” Aha. But still! The consciousness obviously has the peculiarity of moving away from guidelines. If this were not so, fascism would have won and thinking “outside the box” would be a (“spam”) crime. May it never happen.
Creativity requires detours. Otherwise echo chambers and filter bubbles are formed.
Probably because I’ve been consuming your whiskey again. Germans & Brits like to have a drinking contest. My grandma once said that “a man who is not drunk at least every two weeks was once considered not normal”. Our drinking culture suffers especially at the moment. How can you stay normal without whiskey and beer?
Coronacrap, here’s a newsflash for you – Fascism did win as we are now witnessing.
@coronacrap has the identical characteristic m.o. of previous posters @Martin, @Thomas and @Magnus and one or two others whom I am suspicious of. There were two @Martin(s) posting a couple of weeks ago, one of whom was legit. The agenda is clearly to deviate and detract from discussion points. They may be one person or possibly part of a team, judging from noticeable voting patterns when they previously posted.
The crown of viruses
The spirit of the Enlightenment seems to leave us; the darkest superstition seems to return. The invisible devils and disease demons creep in again in the form of the so-called viruses – a word from Latin meaning slime or poison. Viruses are evil enemies. Our rulers have declared war on them. They are to be eradicated, just as they are said to have eradicated the smallpox virus.
Not long ago, we had SARS, bird flu and swine flu as a panepidemic, with several hundred deaths worldwide, but hardly anyone was particularly upset about it. However, the Corona virus, Covid-19, taught us the horror; in fact, there were no more deaths than during the normal annual flu season, but restaurants and shops were closed, events were cancelled, public life was reduced to a minimum and fundamental rights, such as the right of assembly, were abolished; in some countries there was the compulsion to wear protective masks and the population was practically put under house arrest. People are afraid of each other, afraid of others who may carry the germs. Unusual worship services and empty churches suggested that the virus is stronger than God. Corona controls everything; Greta, the climate killer gas CO2, gender equality and other issues are fading into the background in the face of the Corona hysteria. At present, it weighs like an incubus, a gigantic pressure, on the souls of people.
Our ancestors, the viruses
But what are viruses anyway? To one, they are nothing foreign on earth. They are not evil aliens, not invaders from other galaxies. Viruses are everywhere, from the deepest ocean depths to the snow and ice-covered mountain tops; they even exist in the stratosphere. They can survive acids, alkalis and boiling water. Hot springs, the humus soil, the bodies of humans, animals and plants shelter them. They have existed since primeval times. They are children of Mother Earth and Father Heaven. They are part of creation.
Viruses existed already in early evolution, in the primordial ocean. Like other biomolecules, they were integrated into the cells of organisms as endosymbionts. At least 20% of our human genome has a viral origin, explains microbiologist Patrick Forterre from the Pasteur Institute in Paris. In ancient times, viruses infected us, introduced their genetic material into our chromosomes and became part of the human genome. Researchers suspect that viruses in the brain cells even influence our thinking and feeling. The cells of all living organisms mutated under the influence of the viruses. The structure of the DNA (double helix) was invented by the viruses. According to the French virologist Thierry Heidmann, the “mutilated” viral genes present in our genome help to protect our cells from other viruses that attack from outside. Viruses are our evolutionary sparring partners, they brought our evolution forward.
The viruses are tiny. They are ten times smaller than bacteria. They’re so small you can’t see them with a light microscope. Only the electron microscope, developed in the 1940s, made them visible. A billion viruses would fit into a grain of rice.
Viruses have no cell nucleus, no cell membrane; they consist of an RNA or DNA snippet. Some, like the corona virus, have a protein envelope and others have none. Many biologists deny them the status of living beings. But, as Stephen H. Buhner points out, they perceive their environment. They recognise the chemical composition of cell surfaces and know where they should dock. They change their structure and accelerate their mutation rate when confronted with the reaction of the immune system or antiviral medicine (neuraminidase inhibitors, membrane channel inhibitors). Various viruses, including influenza viruses, exchange information on medical resistance with other viruses. These tiny protein snippets can certainly be called clever. Rabies viruses, for example, activate the biting instinct in infected animals to find new hosts; influenza viruses activate coughing and sneezing; viruses transmitted by mosquitoes stimulate sweating, which in turn attracts the mosquitoes.
In the case of viruses – from the point of view of classical homeopaths and anthroposophists – we are dealing with ancient, highly intelligent entities that only partially embody themselves in the form of genetic snippets. They cover the world like a cloud of haze – once called a miasma. They can only manifest where they find fertile soil. They find such soil in the very old and weak people, animals and plants whose immune systems are weakened.
This is also the case with corona viruses, such as SARS or Covid-19. In young, vital people, an infection either proceeds without symptoms or as uncomplicated influenza, which subsides after a week. In smokers with chronic lung problems, in cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation, in organ transplant patients who are dependent on immune suppressors, in junkies and chronic alcoholics, in those who suffer from malnutrition, sleep deprivation or who are constantly exposed to electromagnetic fields and other things that are harmful to health, the viral miasma can be dangerous. Then the virus gives the “Joe Black” the opportunity to relieve the very old sick person from his pain and lead him home. This is quite natural, because just as we are born, we also have to die one day. It is as natural as the sunrise and the sunset.
Modern civilisation favours viruses
Among Stone Age hunters and gatherers, the viruses found less fertile ground for their manifestation. Today, the viral epidemics are favoured by a high population density, especially in slums, nursing homes, hospitals, prisons or schools; other modern factors are global mobility, mass migration, hospital infections (MRSA), over-medicalisation, contaminated water sources and general ecological degradation. Factory farming with thousands upon thousands of crammed, unhappy animals, without sun or soil, which only reach slaughter maturity thanks to antibiotic treatment, promotes the spread of pathogenic viruses. Influenza and flu viruses also pass through pig, chicken, duck and turkey fattening houses every year, and the viruses mutate diligently. Genetic information is also exchanged with other viruses. These viruses then return to humans in an altered form.
The powerful pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment define the viruses as evil enemies. They call for battle, with vaccination being the sharpest weapon. The vocabulary is warlike. Bill Gates, the secret head of the WHO, who by the way also advocates population reduction, wants – as he says – to have seven billion people vaccinated against Covid-19.
Vaccinating is the wonder weapon, the silver magic bullet with which you kill the werewolf. Vaccinations would have eliminated the great epidemics of the 19th century. That is not true! Diseases and infectious diseases were already on the retreat before the syringe was given. The epidemics – cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, diphtheria, whooping cough, smallpox, etc. – died down and disappeared with improved living conditions, healthier and sufficient food, as well as better hygiene, sanitation and housing. However, this is mostly concealed. Instead of relying on questionable vaccines from the pharmaceutical industry, it would be better to provide the financial means to raise living standards and reduce poverty and environmental degradation.
Vaccination is a rather primitive matter; it stems from the same hostile attitude to life as the massive spraying of herbicides and pesticides in agriculture. The negative side effects of vaccination are ignored, as is the harmfulness of vaccine additives or potentiators (aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde compounds). The Gates Foundation, which ran the vaccination program in India, was expelled from the country in 2017 after it was found that 490,000 children were paralyzed as a result of the vaccinations. In 2014, the Association of Catholic Doctors in Kenya accused WHO of unintentionally chemically sterilizing millions of women through tetanus vaccination.
It is questionable whether it is even possible to vaccinate successfully against corona viruses. There are basically two types of viruses, those that consist of a DNA section and those that consist of an RNA section. In the case of DNA viruses, the copies are pretty much the same, which is why it is easier to vaccinate against them. The RNA viruses, on the other hand, copy inaccurately, there are many different copies that are not affected by the vaccine and our defence cells are unable to identify them. The corona virus also consists of RNA strands that constantly change their structure so that the immune system does not recognise them. Therefore, at least in every flu season, the vaccination has to be repeated constantly. Actually a roaring trade for someone like Gates, who also has a financial stake in pharmaceutical companies.
Natural defence
The best defence against viral diseases of all kinds is a healthy, strong immune system and this is best supported by hygiene, clean water, air, sunshine, physical exercise, good nutrition, sufficient sleep and by mental factors such as love, sociability and general zest for life.
The renowned emeritus epidemiologist, Prof. Dr. Knut Wittowski, explains that especially quarantine – lock-down, shut-down and social-distancing (in English this always sounds somehow more impressive!) – is counterproductive. The Covid-19 viruses spread quickly in a population. The symptoms are temporary and create a “herd immunity”. Kindergartens, schools, youth clubs, sports stadiums, lectures, concerts, restaurants and workplaces should be left open so that the general immunity spreads quickly. Only the very old and immunocompromised should be protected and temporarily isolated. State-imposed measures such as wearing masks, curfew, keeping away from the public, travel bans, staying only in apartments and the like have a counterproductive effect; they prolong the infectious phase. More people die than necessary as a result of these measures.
According to Prof. Wittowski and other renowned virologists and epidemiologists, such as Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein, Prof. Shiva Ayyadurati and others, Corona behaves like a normal flu. Every year there are normally 300,000 to 500,000 flu deaths worldwide, including between 30,000 and 80,000 in the USA and between 8,000 and 11,000 in Germany. Why has the WHO declared a pandemic in Corona? Presumably it has to do with the proximity of the institution to the pharmaceutical companies. The Corona panic is also convenient to distract from the financial crisis, the world system crash (Max Otte) and other problems. It is not political mistakes, mismanagement or even corruption that are responsible, but the virus.
Native plants that protect against viral infections
Besides a healthy lifestyle, certain medicinal plants in particular support our immune system and keep us healthy. These do not necessarily have to be exotic plants, but the native flora also has many antiviral, immune-modulating medicinal herbs in store. Here is a small selection:
Elder (Sambucus nigra). For me, elderberry (also called elder or lilac) is the first choice for treating flu, colds and viral diseases. Elderberry is also excellent as an accompanying therapy for measles and other infectious diseases. The flowers as infusion (“lilac tea”) have a sudorific, diuretic, detoxifying and immune system stimulating effect. The tea is also helpful for hay fever and sinusitis. The black-purple juice of the berries is also an excellent antiviral agent, which not only helps with influenza, but also with shingles (herpes zoster – also a viral infection). Also the inner bark (bast) collected in autumn is said to be a strong laxative, sweat and diuretic, draining cleaning agent (Purgativum), but I have no personal experience with this.
Angelica archangelica or the forest angelica (A. sylvestris). Angelica or forest angelica, which grows in the low mountain ranges and in the forests of southern Germany, is my second choice when it comes to antiviral power plants. One of its names is angelica, because it is effective in treating bronchitis and expectorant for coughs. Its immune-boosting effect was already known in the Middle Ages; it was part of the so-called “four-thieves’ vinegar” which was even supposed to ward off the plague. Angelica (dang-gui – “restoration of order”) was also used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as a panacea and as the most popular medicinal plant for colds. The Indians of North America chew the root for feverish colds. I have good experience with tea brewed from the roots as a preventive measure (prophylaxis) when a wave of flu is sweeping the country. The tea, prepared cold, is boiled up briefly (2 to 3 cups per day). You can also add some thyme or thyme to the tea. If you have a weak stomach, you should drink the tea with an addition of the mucilaginous marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis).
Yarrow (Achillea millefolia). Yarrow, one of my favourite plants and plant allies, I don’t want to forget here. As a tea, the flowers and the herb are an excellent remedy for all viral diseases. You can combine the slightly sudorific, warming, toxin-washing yarrow tea with elderflower tea.
Masterwort (Peucedanum ostruthium). This Umbellifera, which grows in higher mountainous areas and has a thick, aromatic, pungent, sharp-tasting rootstock, was regarded by mountain farmers as a panacea, the “emperor of all roots”. In addition to digestive problems, the masterwort is mainly used for bronchitis and respiratory diseases, as tea or powder. The grated root can also be used in a head steam bath for inhalation – similar to a camomile or thyme steam bath. In such a steam bath, the hot herbal tea is placed in a bowl; the head is placed under a large towel placed above it and the aromatic steam is inhaled until the tea cools down. This inhalation should be repeated approximately every three hours.
Hemp agrimony or water hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) and the hemp agrimony marsh (Eupatorium perfoliatum), Hemp agrimony is, similar to purple coneflower (Echinaceae purpurea), one of the strongest immune-stimulating native herbs. The bitter-tasting herb is best used as a cold water extract (leave to infuse for 10 hours). Two cups per day are sufficient. Like the coneflower, the water-east tea or cold water extract should not be taken for longer than two weeks, because then the effect is, so to speak, overstretched and the effect reverses into its opposite. The use of the medicinal plant has recently been questioned, as traces of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) have been found in the plant; however, these are present in such small quantities that they play no role in therapeutic dosage. Those who still have concerns should use the North American-grown hemp, because it does not contain any PA. In English this water hemp is called Boneset, because it was successfully used against break-bone-fewer (dengue fever) – also an RNA virus. With flu and feverish colds, I have had the best experience with the water hemp.
With these few examples I will leave it here. The list could be extended. But I don’t want to write another book here. Worth mentioning, as far as virus-dampening, lung-healing native plants are concerned, would be the wild garlic, the salad burnet, the baldmoney, the accentor, the oregano (wild marjoram), coltsfoot, ground ivy, ribwort and so on and so forth.
(Machine translation of
Sadly, most ppl are ignorant of biology including knowledge of the biome that includes vast numbers of bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, etc everywhere on earth – air, soil, oceans – including all animals of which humans are just one species in & on which all these live & reproduce. Maintaining a strong immune system that recognizes & protects the human body against those that are pathogenic (disease-causing) is how humans evolved & is the best way for each individual to insure survival. Maintain/get truly healthy and this virus will cause only mild symptoms at worst.
Healthy longevity – my & husband’s (75 & 82 w/o any life-threatening comorbidities) goal thru numerous practices for the past 20+yrs (30+ for husband) & our continued goal.
I recommend watching Zach Bush MD’s interview byDel Bigtree at YouTube for good description of the vast biome that is earth & its inhabitants. It was still there earlier today….
Thanks, I’ll see if I can find the video.
Amen to that.
Thanks for the post, very interesting. As for pulsed EMR, it’s everywhere now and matters will get even worse with 5G and the Internet of Things. At the beginning of this outbreak I wondered whether mobile technology was to some degree involved; as you will know, white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, but only in certain parts of the skeleton. The chief ‘factory’ is located in the pelvis, right next to which many people keep their mobile. The skull is another place where white blood cells are made. And of course, wi-fi is pretty well ubiquitous.
I also wondered whether the dire levels of vitamin D in our population was a factor. Sunbathing was exactly the right thing to be doing, but not according to the police!
As for the mental factors, the tsunami of fear-porn from the media has done a great deal of damage, even to the extent of driving certain impressionable and unstable people to suicide.
I’m absolutely certain that dire levels of vitamin D in our population is a factor. Sunshine is the best remedy, but in places like the UK you can only get enough for about 6 months of the year, and even then, not when it’s cloudy.
The powers that be could have encouraged the population to take advantage of the pleasant, summer-like Spring weather that we were getting at the start of the crisis, but no – they gave the opposite advice.
If they were going to do that, they could at least have taken advice themselves, and then given out proper advice about vitamin D supplements. The official RDA is far too low for anyone not getting any, or insufficient sunlight.
Blood vitamin D levels in very many USers (& worldwide) is far from optimum for good health. I & husband have been monitoring our serum levels yearly at least for many yrs (among many parameters we keep track of on spreadsheets for each of us). This is an inexpensive test that most Drs do not even suggest to their patients. We aim to keep our levels ~65ng/Ml by adjusting our dosages – currently I take 7000IU daily & husband takes 8000IU.
Info from on how important Vitamin D is to truly good health going back many yrs:
Blood tests can be had through this same org w/o having to “convince” your doctor that you need the information they provide.
Seems I messed up the linking. Information on blood testing for Vitamin D levels:
Hope this shows up.
The previous comment link (in bold) is to search results of numerous articles over many yrs at LEF & demonstrates how far-thinking their research has been compared to most mainstream medical sources.
Yes, I’ve noticed LEF before, and I think they are good people.
Thanks Kitty. Interesting. Have you noticed what happens to your levels at times of year when you can get enough sunlight, or do you continue to take supplements all year round?
I’m in the UK, and so am both blessed and cursed with the NHS. If I wanted a specific blood test via my NHS GP, I’m sure I’d have to jump through hoops, and there would be strings attached, which I’m not prepared to put up with.
So I’ve had a few private tests done which didn’t come cheap. However, as time has gone on, some tests have become cheaper, and I think the vitamin D one is one of those, and I really should get one done. It’s crazy that doctors don’t recommend it, since even mainstream medicine has begun to recognise how important vitamin D status is in a whole range of health issues.
I believe in the NHS in principle, but not in the pharmaceutical based racket it has allowed itself to become involved in. If we had access to holistic practitioners on the NHS, then I’d definitely sit up and take notice, but hell will likely freeze over before that happens.
I & husband have kept separate spreadsheets of all our many lab tests (mostly blood) for near 20 years. In the 10 years since first getting Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy levels done there is no observable pattern for time of year. We always get the tests done in the US since we get them done via Life Extension although we spend the warm months in Canada as my husband is Canadian citizen & resident. (Our still being in US now is due to Canada Gov closing border w/ US except to “essential travel”…. We will only know if I, US citizen & resident, am deemed by CanadaGov as “essential” to my husband when we attempt to enter on May 31….) But main reason my levels wouldn’t be affected significantly by sun exposure is that I purposely do not spend a great amount of time in the sun; no sunbathing. I do what’s needed/swim & then stay in shade.
Get the Vitamin D level done on your own dollar/pound/euro/etc – and other tests that indicate health status but ignored by regular physicians. It’s your body and its well-being is only of prime importance to you. To Gov entities you are just a number & the policy of one-size fits all – w/ minor variations between age/sex/etc groups – underlies all GovCare; individuals are of no concern, unless one of the privileged….
Thanks Kitty. Yes…I knew that if I once submitted to a test via my NHS GP, I’d be put on statins, and probably much else besides. No thank you.
My former dentist, who is a very nice guy, younger than me, and pretty healthy looking, could not believe that I wasn’t on statins at my age. He was on them. He said it had been a condition of getting an inhaler for his asthma! Outright blackmail. (And as it happens, I am sure there are alternative therapies for asthma). Having said that, his wife is a doctor, and she probably makes sure he remains on the orthodox path.
I recommend that you make use of the vast amount of health information at Life Extension I & husband Paul (75 & 82 yo) utilize LEF as well as Paul’s considerable knowledge of human biochemistry to maintain our successful healthy longevity. We make very little to scant utilization of medical doctors & pharmaceuticals. The two exceptions to the latter is Metformin & Lithium Chloride, both of which have strong benefits for healthy longevity.
Your well-being is your primary concern so get/stay well informed & do what you decide is in your best long-term wide-viewed best interest.
Thanks also for your contribution. I have been taking relatively high doses of vitamin D on a regular basis for a year. If I don’t have it, I notice it immediately, for example my scalp becomes flaky. Since this happens again and again, it cannot be a coincidence.
The Germ THEORY is called a theory for a reason. And the many paleovirologists studying viruses incorporated inot our dna(8%) will not attribute the quadrillion viruses you have in and on you all the time( human virome) as cause of disease.
Only idiots, banksters, UN and their politicians would start an unscientific narrative.
Excellent description of viruses but with some glaring mistakes which, unfortunately weakens your argument. MRSA is a bacterial infection. Maybe a translation issue but lilac is definitely not the same as elder.
I think it’s a translation error. I left out some things that refer to Germany. I think he said that elderberry is also called lilac in Northern Germany. I’m going to look for podcasts with Storl that are available in English and post them, but that was a few years ago.
I don’t know how many of his books were published in English. He used to have an English version of his website, but apparently it’s not worth the effort, the man is almost 80 years old.
Yesterday I saw an eloquent “professor of game theory”, who also deals with the effects of the “pandemic”. If anyone understands German. ***
Storl’s talks with Clemens Arvay are also interesting.
Arvay: “Bill Gates and Covid-19: RNA vaccines as a
global threat (biologist Clemens Arvay)”) see video
descriptions. ***
English: “Genetic vaccines against COVID-19:
hope or RISK? (with biologist Clemens Arvay)” ***
The video description contains 18 footnotes and the statement of this biologist has the potential to be published on in order to gain currency (of course you have to replace the three stars with https://www.)
Storl at CannaTrade 2018 (
about Ganja: the intoxicating herb of Shiva. Funny. All those
potheads get the full dose of wisdom beyond their horizon. ***
Even the Czechs laboriously translate his sta-
tements. Obviously, there is also a great need
to catch up in terms of “closeness to nature”…
Coronacrap, you have worked very hard to find these links for us. Thank you!
Why would you believe in the Germ Theory when you have virus in your dna(8%) and you have a quadrillion viruses on and in you its called the human virome.
The psyop COVID19 preys on ignorance of medicine and science hoping people don’t think because they are too scared and have become believers .
Good column; I agree completely.
“There’s plenty of room for speculation there, and we leave it to readers to get into that BTL.”
Can anyone enlighten me as to what “BTL” means? I looked it up and got dozens of possible meanings, including Born Too Late, Bowel Tolerance Level, Big Time Loser, Black Tea Lemonade, and many others, but I’m not sure which might fit the sentence.
BTL = Below The Line i.e. the comments section under the article.
On the topic of believing mutually exclusive things simultaneously, the government’s advice on face coverings is a case in point. They know, and have repeatedly asserted that putting a cloth over your nose and mouth is no protection. Yet here is the government’s Guidance on face coverings:
This really is beyond satire. In fact, if it were not official government guidance I would have taken it for satire. I can easily imagine comedians up and down the country who are seriously considering suing the government for theft of their material. The instructions for making your own face covering are reminiscent of Blue Peter. But then they do seem to think we are all children.
I tried to post earlier this p.m. a short video presentation by NHS Doctor Mohammad Iqbal Adil debunking the Covid19 pandemic as a global hoax (“no virus has been isolated”) but that post seems to have disappeared (into a spam folder?).
But, nevertheless, I have since found this more comprehensive 2hour+ interview with him in which he covers every aspect of the scandal and what the agenda is. Essential viewing, and great to see a UK based doctor speaking out. As they say in the video, people need to circulate this as far and wide as possible and download it for posterity.
( The first 5 minutes can be skipped because the line breaks down and they start the discussion from the beginning again.)
It doesn’t seem to be in spam. We are experiencing DoS attacks intermittently today though, which can mess with the spam filter and send a lot of stuff into pending that shouldn’t be there.
Thanks, Admin1.
Dearie me, Fergie’s being thrown to the wolves. The Daily Failgraph: “Coding that led to lockdown was ‘totally unreliable’ and a ‘buggy mess’, say expert”
The Fail-polygraph would have known that weeks ago if it had actually interviewed some experts.
fantastic you always write a great article I love your articles.